
Injury Profile: Ep. 5 – Chiropractic

In addition to massage treatments and supportive care, we sought care from our long-time chiropractors at TruRoots Health Center (https://www.trurootshealth.com/).  Doctors Evan and Ryan were able to offer IR Light Therapy in addition to Torque Release adjustments to...

Injury Profile: Ep. 4 – Massage

This week we’re diving into the massage techniques I used to help Danny prepare for his Krav Maga black belt test.  As a reminder, in October of 2023, my husband Danny severely jammed his right foot’s 2nd and 3rd toes less than 2 weeks before his big test.  Our...

What To Post

My goal for this blog is to share something informative, fun, and relevant with you every week, and judging from the responses, you all have enjoyed my content so far.  The problem is that coming up with content is getting more and more challenging.  So I’m doing...