
Psoas and Sacro Wedgy

Most common aches and pains can be traced back to muscular or structural imbalance.  A lot of these imbalances can be positively affected by rebalancing the pelvic girdle, our center of gravity, via the psoas.  The psoas muscle attaches to the side of the T12-L5...

Change is the only constant!

Hi, everyone! I hope you’re all ready for the up-coming holiday season! October is a great time to look back on the year, review your progress, and reevaluate your goals. After looking over the scheduling trends and patterns of the past 7 months, I realized some...

These Past Months

Whew!  It’s good to be back to a normal schedule again! Now that the holidays are over, we can all get back to our regular, (and hopefully slightly less stressful), lives. It was hopping here at Elementals Massage.  Lots of table sessions and multiple chair...

Continuing Education

The past few months have been busy, busy with clients and classes and volunteering.  I’ve added many new people and techniques since last we sopke, so here’s a quick run down of what’s new and exciting in my therapy room: March 22-23, 2014 -2014...