
Scars can sometimes lead to fascial restrictions, which are tight or thickened areas within the fascia—the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, organs, and other structures in the body. Fascial restrictions can develop as a result of injury or surgery due to the body’s natural healing process.

When an injury or tissue insult occurs, the body initiates a healing response to repair the damaged tissues. During this process, collagen fibers are laid down in a haphazard manner to bridge the gap and form scar tissue. However, the collagen fibers in scar tissue are often disorganized and can create adhesions or fascial restrictions.

Fascial restrictions can cause a variety of issues, including pain, limited range of motion, and functional impairments. They can restrict the movement of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, potentially leading to discomfort and dysfunction in the affected area. These restrictions can also have a broader impact on the surrounding tissues and structures, potentially affecting posture and overall movement patterns.

To address fascial restrictions and minimize their impact, various treatment options are available. These may include:

  1. Manual therapy techniques: Skilled therapists, such as physical therapists or massage therapists, can use specific hands-on techniques to release fascial restrictions. These techniques may involve gentle stretching, deep tissue massage, myofascial release, or other methods aimed at improving tissue mobility.
  1. Exercise and stretching: Specific exercises and stretches can help to improve tissue mobility and prevent the formation of adhesions. These exercises are often prescribed based on the individual’s specific needs and may target the affected area or involve the whole body.
  1. Scar mobilization: Focused techniques can be used to directly address the scar tissue itself. These may involve gentle massaging, friction, or stretching of the scar to promote better tissue alignment and decrease restrictions.
  1. Heat therapy: Applying heat to the affected area can help relax the fascia and improve tissue pliability. This can be done through various means, such as warm packs, warm water therapy, or ultrasound.
  1. Surgical revision: In some cases, if the fascial restrictions are severe or cause significant functional limitations, surgical revision of the scar tissue may be considered. This involves removing the scar tissue and reapproximating the incision to promote better healing and reduce restrictions.

Scarring is a natural healing process, but it doesn’t have to lead to lingering pain or movement restrictions.  Talk to your massage therapist about options for minimizing the effects of scar tissue in the body.