
Abdominal restrictions can have a broader impact on the body, including the thoracic and pelvic regions. Restrictions in the abdominal structures and tissues can contribute to limitations in overall abdominal mobility, which may indirectly affect adjacent areas.

  1. Diaphragmatic Function: The diaphragm is a large muscle separating the chest and abdominal cavities. Restrictions in the abdominal region can affect diaphragmatic movement and function. Reduced diaphragmatic excursion and flexibility may impact breathing mechanics and thoracic mobility, as the diaphragm plays a vital role in respiration.
  2. Fascial Connections: The body’s fascial system consists of connective tissues that provide support and continuity throughout the body. Restrictions in the abdominal fascia can create tension and limitations that may transmit to adjacent areas, potentially affecting thoracic and pelvic mobility.
  3. Postural Imbalances: Abdominal restrictions can lead to compensatory postural changes. For example, if certain abdominal muscles are tight or restricted, it can alter spinal alignment, affecting the position and mobility of the thoracic and pelvic regions. Postural imbalances can lead to issues such as increased thoracic kyphosis or excessive lumbar lordosis.
  4. Neural Effects: Nerves originating in the abdominal region can have wide-ranging effects on the body. Restrictions or adhesions in the abdominal tissues may impinge on nerves, potentially leading to referred pain, altered neural signaling, or sensory changes. These neural effects can indirectly impact mobility in various regions, including the thoracic and pelvic areas.

It’s important to note that the specific impact of abdominal restrictions on mobility can vary depending on the individual and the underlying causes of the restrictions. Abdominal massage can help to alleviate these restrictions.  Your therapist can design a care program that will help.